Jeez, dude. It’s not all about you (only mostly)

We’re up for bullets again!

~ This is the first thing I saw yesterday morning:

I ask you, is there any better way to wake up?


(Also, I’ve decided that if he had to resemble me in one way, I’m glad it’s the pointy chin.  Looks cuter on him than it does on me, anyway.)


~We went on an adventure on Saturday, which necessitated getting my pressure canner, jars and supplies out of storage on Sunday.  I’ll give you one guess what we did (hint: it rhymes with frapple fricking).  FULL POST FORTHCOMING.


~I have made absolutely delicious bran muffins.  I should share that recipe with you.


~Simon hates tummy time so much…

…that he’s decided to learn to roll over, just to escape it:



~There has been knitting, but just the same boring-ass blanket I’ve been working on since July, so I’ll spare you.  But three words: Taupe. Moss. Stitch.  (Shoot me!)


~I’m about to depart on a Grand Adventure with baby and dog, before it gets too hot out (HA!).  I think today we might walk all the way over to the main drag and grab a coffee (extra espresso for little dude, of course).



3 responses to “Jeez, dude. It’s not all about you (only mostly)

  1. Frapple fricking! Fond memories of family fun!

  2. rhymes with frapple fricking
    Oh, Katie. I laughed so hard 🙂

  3. I love his victory face after he’s rolled over. He is too cute.

    I want to hear about frapple fricking!!

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