Friday Favorites – 6/11/10

That’s what she said!


Indeed he does.

Inexpensive and effective bike headlights…sounds like I should add one to ye olde shopping liste.

::Sigh:: I love a good porch!

If you don’t already love Franklin, you will after reading this.


Just in case you haven’t already seen “When BP Spills Coffee“.

Gah – so pretty!

More gorgeousness from Grumperina.

Brilliant! Simple!  Adorable! Exquisite!  (someone please buy this for me)

Homemade dishwasher detergent – I’ve gotta try this!

Great post calling out the ridiculously excessive “crap you must buy for babies” industry.

Tempeh salad – yum!

Go California!

Make homosexuals marry.

Tear that sucker down!  (BTW I walked by here on my lunchbreak at work today, and the demolition is even more impressive – looks like they’re nearly there!)

I am envious of TrinKnitty’s garden!

Better check yer yarnovers, knitters.

I…I…I…dammit.  I hate people sometimes.

An address stamp like this is on my list for once we buy a house….

Think a full-sized picnic table would fit on our balcony?

When Jeff and I renew our vows it will look like this, only the beach will be a lakeshore.

4 responses to “Friday Favorites – 6/11/10

  1. I almost just got after you for not including a single recipe. But then I saw the salad. And forgave you.

    Also, thanks for not making me want to jump up and make bagels at 21:37.

    I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that for the dishwasher you can just use straight baking soda. Yup, as simple as that. I ❤ baking soda's versatility. Course it'd be good to check before trying it. I don't have a dishwasher that doesn't share my last name.

  2. “I’m in the “zomgASSPHOTO!” group,too.

    And then I started thinking about if I actually tattooed a lace chart on my ass. And where I would put the decreases and how I might incorporate those into the pattern, or if I’d just line them up. Maybe ass darts?

    Then I drank more Diet Coke and pondered if I might be very, very gay as well, for I love Victorian wallpaper. Upon recognizing that I am female and not at all gay, I determined that the world needs more Diet Coke. And lace.”

    I knew it was you from the “ZOMG…! What I don’t know is why he has so much hair on his arm. or why HE DOESN’T HAVE A NIPPLE. Since you know him, would you please ask and then let me know?

    Also, you broke your promise to me. Another sorrow.

  3. Kate! Thanks for including my garden in your Friday Faves. If you were nearer, I’d share a radish salad with you as radishes and lettuce are currently the only edible things coming out of my garden.

  4. I love your lists. I can’t believe I live in AZ right now. It’s so disappointing.

    Thanks for the link love!

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