Tag Archives: romaine

Three weeks in

Sorry for the unintended absence, everyone!  I miss not talking to my bloggy friends.  And poor Jeff – without you guys to bear part of my annoying nature, it all fell to him!  He’s barely surviving, I tell ya what.  I owe him some cookies or something.

I thought it was about time for a garden update, eh?  Because I know y’all can barely stand not knowing, and now you’re just on the edges of your seats.  Right?  RIGHT?

(And of course I meant to put this post up last week, and I took the pictures then and everything, but…)

First up, the most exciting news is that Mr. Tomato Plant has little flowers!

He’s got even more, now.  Like 7 or 8 altogether.  And I think that means that these will eventually turn into ZOMG TOMATOES, right?  I’m so excited!  A proud planty grandmama.

I gave away two of my nine(!) pepper plants to a pepper-less co-worker; so now I’m down to “only” seven.  These four are doing really well:

I don’t know if that’s “enough” growth for 3 weeks, or not, but I’m proud of ’em nonetheless 🙂

The other three are doing okay-ish.  I think they need more sun, really.

Especially that sad little guy on the left.  He’s 2 or 3″ shorter than the others!  Poor lil’ shrimp.

Some of my lettuces are doing great:

Look at ’em!  So pretty.  I can’t wait to eeeaaaattttt!!!  🙂

Others, notsomuch:

I don’t know if it’s a sun issue, or a space issue, or what, but they’re not doign so hot.  They’re growing a bit, but nowhere near as quickly as their brothers.

(the third container looks much the same – not horrible, but not exactly hearty.  And they’re in a long skinny container, which makes me think that the problem is more light- than space-related)

My snapdragons are snappin’ along (Oh man I crack myself up), and the pansies are doing great!

I love ’em 🙂 So sweet and delicate and pretty!

There have also been a few more additions to my little balcony garden.

Meet the GuardFrog, plucked from Target’s $1 shelves:

Roxie tried to eat him.  So his eye is already chipped.  Poor GuardFrog isn’t that vicious; he couldn’t defend himself…

I also received a delightful surprise from a co-worker, in celebration of Admin’s Day last week –

Isn’t it pretty? And yellow? And perfect?  LOVE!

Of course, we’ve had near-torrential rain for the past three days so I haven’t really been able to give it a proper test, but I’m hoping for a drought so I can give it a proper test 🙂

The watering can was accompanied by an awesome sweet basil plant – my co-worker said, “How can you grow tomatoes without basil?”  Good question – great solution! 🙂

I’m not gonna lie, my new favorite hobby is sticking my nose down among its leaves and IIIIIINNNNNNHAAAALLLIIIING big 🙂

I’m gonna make the best tomato caprese salad, just you wait!  Mmmmmm…

So that’s my garden!  I’m definitely having mixed success at this point – some things are thriving; others, not really.  But I guess that’s the best I could hope for, as an amateur gardener with a black thumb and short attention span, right?